Who we are
Håkan Svennerstål (CEO and President of Svennerstål and Partners AB) has a Ph.D in Learning Leadership and Economics from the University of Stockholm.
Doctor Svennerstål’s area of expertise is learning leadership and leadership assessments.
Svennerstål and Partners have built a global network of experts spanning a wide range of competencies. This structure allows a high degree of customization to every project. Project teams are tailor made in order to meet the unique requirements of each client. A Scientific advisory board is created to search and recognize Svennerstål & Partner's methodology and overview the process.
Alliance Partnership International
Arthur Hunt Group
Paris (Head office), France
Bratislava, Slovakia
Prague, Czech Republic
Budapest, Hungary
Vienna, Austria
Warsawa, Poland
Bucharest, Romania -
Best Venture Management
China -
Frank van der Linden Headhunter
Netherlands -
Herbold Fischer Associates
Gremany -
Master Consulting
Spain & Portugal -
Talent Solutions
Brazil -
Thewlis Graham Associates
United Kingdom -
Villa and Partners
Expo Media
Sweden -
Sweden -
New Media Strategy M Vendel AB
Sweden -
Krog & Co AS
Norway -
Seagull Executive Adviser AB
Sweden -
Jens R Jensen
Norway -
Anders Finne
Finland -
Sofie Abrahamsson